When humans built the first machine, they imagined it taking over all the hard work. Now, while entering the third decade of the third millennium, people are worried if there’s any work left for them.
Artificial Intelligence and supercomputers can perform even the most demanding human tasks. We don’t need bankers, cashiers, or factory workers anymore. With automatization of so many operations, many fields don’t need human labor, and human knowledge, effort, and time no longer have the same purpose.
It doesn’t have to mean that human labor became irrelevant, but instead, it is designated to some different tasks. There are some fields where the contribution of the human mind will always remain priceless. Yet, many jobs will be almost entirely replaced by machines.
1.Computer Support Service
In the next five years, computer technology will progress to such an extent that every company will need automated responses and bot support, while IT professionals will no longer be able to keep up with progress.
2.Market Research Analysts
Market analysis has always played a key role in strategic planning, which also applies to the future. However, instead of human workers, AI bots will be capable of collecting and processing incomparably more data than men could ever do.
3.Add Sellers
Advertising has completely changed its concept and turned from TV and printed promotions to online banners, advertising pages on social networks, and commercial sites. With application programs such as APIs, there is no longer a need for a person to sell advertising space, but each user can buy it by themselves and place the desired ad.
In the modern world, reception jobs are done through automated telephone calls, programmed schemes, and online bookings. Receptionists, apart from being kind and welcoming, do not have much work to do anymore.
Offering a purchase of different products through a telephone call has never required some significant social skills. Still, it employed a lot of people. On the other hand, machine learning can create bots that will successfully direct questions, offer products, and provide answers. Similar to that, the automation of this working place will significantly reduce the human workforce in the coming years.
We can already find innovative companies that use drones to deliver their products. It is only a matter of time when automated intelligent machines will replace delivery trucks.
Many tech companies already offer accounting software models that could save companies a lot of time and money on administrative work. However, it will also reduce the number of employees.
People around the world are already using programs to proofread written content. Many of those programs can even be used for free. Online applications can check spelling and correct grammar without involving people in such assignments.
9.Compensation and Benefits Managers
AI is an ideal solution for companies with a large number of employees where an AI algorithm can calculate earnings and benefits for an enormous amount of people.
10. Retailer Salesmen
There is a declining number of retailers in supermarkets and stores, as more and more employers are introducing smart cash registers, online payment methods, and even AI into their services.
A large number of jobs are slowly getting automated, which is the reason people opt for different education profiles. However, AI will never be able to master some professions and achieve the same level as humans.
It can never become a teacher, designer, or CEO. It can’t plan weddings, manage public relations, or write good novels or news. Perhaps it can learn how to perform all these tasks, but it doesn’t make it the best option for them.
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